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CKY biographys continued...

Chad Ginsburg - Guitar/Backing Vocals
Nicknames - Chadah, CIG, Chadest, Chadly
DOB - 24th April 1972
Place of Birth - Pennsylvania
Place of Residence - Huntington Beach, CA
Marital Status - ?
Star Sign - Taurus
Chinese Sign - The Eastern Rat
Hair Colour - Dark Brown
Eye Colour - Brown

Vern Zaborowski - Bass
Nicknames - Vern, V-Lo Vern Diddy
DOB - 31st July 1976
Place of Birth - ?
Place of Residence - California
Marital Status - ?
Star Sign - Leo
Chinese Sign - The Dragon
Hair Colour - Brown
Eye Colour - Blue

CKY UK Alliance
Devoted CKY fans become members of the CKY Alliance. CKY are known most in America. But the UK are here to, and are as much a part of CKY as everyone else. This is why the UK Alliance was formed. If you are a diehard kiCKass CKY fan, like myself, join now by going to...